Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Who's big idea was this summertime thing anyways.

Thought I'd stop by and leave an update or two on my life these days. Things are so busy and I absolutely hate not being able to write.

School let out and I suddenly found myself with all three kids all day long with no break, no freedom or flexibility that I am used to (that already isn't enough to get it all done). I honestly wasn't sure we'd all make it out alive the first week. At nighttime, I could still hear their little voices ringing in my ears "We're BORED! Can we go _____ (insert place that costs money or activity that involves me leaving my work)".

And then today I overheard my 3 year old playing dolls. One doll was telling the other that she couldn't play because "she had to work". Ouch.

And then later on today after my son tried to guilt trip me for the millionth time about not going out to eat, I had to actually sit him down with a calculator and show him how income and bills work and how little we have left after all is said and done. 'Twas fun.

I miss the summers of taking the kids to the pool every other day, going on summertime adventures, and eating popsicles in the front yard. But the restraints of single motherhood are choking all of us right now. I miss my babysitters, my assistants, my crazy nanny who used to insult me but also did all of my laundry (WHAT I WOULDN'T GIVE TO HAVE HER BACK).

On the brightside, to combat the boredom, my daughter has begun to enjoy reading chapter books in her room, my son is attending football camp, and my youngest continues to terrorize me. And the house. (As I type my son tells me she has written on the wall. Again.) All three have watched hundreds of episodes of iCarly and SpongeBob (God help me, I hear "Who lives in a pineapple under the sea" in my nightmares) and for right now, that is just going to have to be ok.

Back to work.


  1. Aw, HUGS to you...... Don't beat yourself up too much.... kids say the funniest things... Any chance you could enlist the little people in your house for help with some of the "jobs" around your house....... you'd be amazed how much the little people can do. Try to stop every now and again and enjoy the little moments because pretty soon that girl that plays with dolls will be 12 or 13. It will happen in a flash. I'm so speaking from experience here. It seems like just yesterday I could pick out her clothes and she was a "little girl". Now I look at her and she a "little lady". Here what you are saying about OFF TO WORK so I can leave the office today when I'm suppposed to and can have time with that my precious son. My daughter is in Colorado on a trip with her aunt getting spoiled rotten. So, she will probably be saying "This is SO BORING" when she gets back and sees whatever I have planned next week. But me thinks that I will have a plan for the kids next time they say they are BORED and then maybe they might wish they never said that (he, he). HUGS again.

    PS maybe you can send those kids to Deb's for some swimming???

  2. OK, I have to giggle a little. It is so funny what kids pick up on and then repeat when they are playing. It scares me to think what my daughter says to others when I am not around!

    Hang in there girl, you can do it!
